Focus Areas
- Co-author, “Sixth Circuit Holds that ‘Chargeback Debt’ Under Merchant Agreement Accrues at Time of Initial Transaction, Not at Time of Chargeback,” 22 ABI Business Reorganization Committee Newsletter, no. 2, December 2023
- “Chapter 7 Trustee Who Does Not Object to “Arguably” Inapplicable Claim of Exemption Does Not Forfeit Right to Later Argue that Exemption Does Not Apply,” 21 ABI Consumer Bankruptcy Committee Newsletter, no. 1, September 2023
- “Sixth Circuit Underscores the Importance of Due Process in § 363(f) Sales,” 18 ABI Asset Sales Committee Newsletter, no. 4, September 2021
- “Section 546(e) Safe Harbor Alive and Well After Tribune,” 19 ABI Business Reorganization Committee Newsletter, no. 1, June 2020
- “Supreme Court Holds that a Final, Appealable Order Results When a Bankruptcy Court ‘Unreservedly’ Grants or Denies Stay Relief,” Commercial Law League of America (CLLA) Bankruptcy Blog, February 7, 2020
- “Sixth Circuit Addresses Debtors’ Claims Regarding Breach of Reaffirmation Agreement,” 17 ABI Consumer Bankruptcy Committee Newsletter, no. 3, December 2019
- Co-author, “Protecting Your Client’s Judgment from Discharge: What Every State Court Litigator Should Know,” Columbus Bar Lawyers Quarterly 24, July 2019
- Co-author, “Client Says ‘Go’, Just Say ‘No’: Ethics and the Automatic Stay,” 38 ABI J. 18, June 2019; reprinted in Best of ABI 2019: The Year in Consumer Bankruptcy Review, Charissa Potts ed., 2019
- “Does Article III Require Putative Unnamed Class Members to Demonstrate Standing?” 5 Lincoln Memorial U.L. Rev. 78, 2017
- “Chesapeake Exploration, LLC v. Buell,” 42 Ohio N.U.L. Rev. 907, 2016
- Case Law Update, Bankruptcy Law Institute, Columbus Bar Association, May 2, 2019
- Case Law Update, Bankruptcy Law Institute, Columbus Bar Association, May 3, 2018
Professional Associations
- American Bankruptcy Institute
- Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association
- Turnaround Management Association
- William J. O’Neill and Pat E. Morgenstern-Clarren Bankruptcy Institute, Co-Chair, December 2023
Community Activities
- Stewart’s Caring Place: Cancer Wellness Center, Board Member
- Ohio Northern University College of Law, J.D., 2017,
cum laude
- University of Akron, B.A., 2014,
cum laude, in Philosophy
Bar Admissions
- Ohio
- New York
Court Admissions
- U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio
- U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio
- U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit