Representative Experience
- Representing an electric utility in the construction, development and financing of a natural gas-fired peaking power plant, including joint ownership, site acquisition, permitting, operation and maintenance, interconnection, and fuel supply arrangements.
- Representing an electric utility in the acquisition and syndicated financing of an interest in another utility and coal-fired baseload power plants.
Representing an investor in an ethanol production facility. - Assisting in developing a financial structure for, and representing client investment in, an operating company for the development of biodiesel from waste grease.
- Representing a wind developer in connection with an equity investment by a leading private equity firm.
- Advising on and assisting with documentation of a loan agreement and an option agreement to purchase an operating biomass facility.
- Preparing a placement memorandum for a private equity venture capital investment in a biomass technology company.
- Advising developers of an innovative system for processing and converting landfill gas into natural gas capable of local energy generation or resale.
- Advising on liability stemming from Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)-licensed operations, including liability relating to low-level radioactive waste and NRC and state requirements for the handling, storage and disposal of radioactive materials.
- Advising a utility holding company on the acquisition of geothermal assets.
- Assisting an electric utility transmission provider with multiple revisions to its open access transmission tariff in compliance with successive FERC rulemaking orders.
- Submitting and prosecuting a complaint by a generation and transmission electric cooperative to eliminate duplicative ancillary service charges under RTO tariffs.
- Filing notifications of holding company status and exemption/waiver notifications for electric utility and electric cooperative clients under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005.
- Submitting a renewable energy and energy efficiency plan for a municipal electric utility in compliance with state renewable portfolio standards legislation.
- Assisting a generation and transmission cooperative and its distribution cooperative members in obtaining complementary waivers of purchase and sale obligations under FERC’s regulations concerning qualifying facilities.
- Assisting in obtaining FERC certificates for a dedicated natural gas pipeline to serve a utility generating station.
- Representing electric distribution cooperatives in addressing territorial law matters, including litigation regarding such matters before state utility commissions.
- Advising and representing a financial entity concerning proposed onsite cogeneration projects to be installed throughout Mexico and financed by securitization of agreements between the developer, a Mexican energy services company and the host governmental facilities.
- Counseling a multinational consumer products manufacturer on the nonrecourse project financing of an industrial waste to energy facility, including the amended and restated bond purchase and guaranty term loan facility.
- Gregory D. Chafee
Partner | Atlanta
404.407.3642moc.eniHnospmohT@eefahC.gerG - Marvin T. Griff
Senior Counsel | Washington, D.C.
202.263.4109moc.eniHnospmohT@ffirG.nivraM - Meet the team
Representative Clients
- Investor-owned utilities
- Public power utilities
- Electric cooperatives
- Independent power producers including generators of conventional, hydropower, solar, biomass, biofuels, waste to energy, geothermal and wind power
- Cogenerators
- Power marketers
- Energy service companies
- Natural gas companies
- Industrial, commercial and institutional end users
- Financial institutions
- Private equity and venture capital investors
- Risks and Rewards of Purchasing Renewable Energy ITCs,
Tax Analysts
, November 29, 2023 - No Longer Sidelined: Biden Administration Calls for Broadened Participation and Public Engagement in Federal Regulatory Process,
Regulatory Update
, September 11, 2023 - SBA Revises Small Business Size Standards for 229 Industries,
Government Contracts Update
, April 29, 2022 - The Capital Markets Outlook – Infocast Solar + Wind Finance & Investment Summit, March 7, 2022
- ESG Strategies Are Driving Corporate Investments in Renewable Energy,
Thompson Hine Business Law Update
, November 30, 2021 - Business Law Update – Fall 2021,
Thompson Hine Newsletter
, November 30, 2021 - 5 Potential Speed Bumps For Clean Energy Investment,
, August 10, 2021 - Recent Executive Actions Focus on Bulk-Power System Grid Security and Supply Chain,
International Trade Update
, May 11, 2020 - The Financial Times Ranks Thompson Hine #1 for Innovation in “New Working Model”,
Managing Partner Deborah Read Also Recognized as Innovative Individual
, December 18, 2015