- Brownfields & Site Remediation>
- Chemical Regulation>
- Clean Air>
- Clean Water>
- Climate Change & Sustainable Business Solutions>
- Commercial Lease Disputes & Litigation>
- Eminent Domain>
- Enforcement Defense>
- Environmental Justice>
- Environmental Land Use>
- Environmental Litigation>
- Environmental, Health & Safety Management>
- Governmental Incentives and Historic Preservation>
- Green Products & Sustainability>
- Industrial Property Closure & Divestiture>
- Infrastructure>
- Planning & Zoning>
- Shale Energy & Infrastructure>
- Waste Management>
Representative Regulatory Counseling Experience
- Representing solid waste landfill clients on permitting and compliance issues
- Handling compliance counseling, auditing and permitting for clients across the United States.
- Coordinating facility audits, including voluntary disclosures pursuant to state and federal audit disclosure policies.
- Assisting in the preparation of EHS management systems; implementation of environmental health and safety codes and policies; and sustainability programs.
- Handling wetlands permitting and mitigation for real estate development projects.
- Supporting clients in preparing environmental impact statements and proposed findings of no significant impact under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and analogous state programs including energy and development projects.
- Evaluating waste-load allocation (Total Maximum Daily Loads or TMDL) for publicly owned treatment works.
- Handling National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), RCRA and Title V air permitting for many facilities in the chemical, manufacturing, pulp and paper, and foundry industries.
- Representing chemical industry clients in matters relating to Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) disclosure requirements.
- Counseling chemical manufacturers and importers on Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) mandates, including assistance navigating the premanufacture notice (PMN) process.
- Providing pesticide regulatory counseling and prosecution of pesticide licensing for manufacturers.
- Assisting national manufacturers in developing and implementing comprehensive, internal Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) reporting-compliance systems.
- Assisting with Title V, Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and New Source Review (NSR) permitting for coal-fired electric generating facilities.
- Advising on underground storage tank licensing, removal and corrective action.
- Representing clients in numerous cleanup projects under state mandatory and voluntary programs across the United States, including cleanups under the Ohio Voluntary Action Program and remediation of manufacturing properties under the New Jersey Industrial Sites Recovery Act and Connecticut Transfer Act.
- Counseling on OSHA compliance
- Coordinating strategic approaches to managing all aspects of vapor intrusion issues, including agency negotiations, consultant management, community notifications and public relations.
Representative Transaction Experience
- Representing a lending institution on environmental issues relating to the sale of more than 500 branch offices.
- Representing sellers, buyers and developers of environmentally impaired real estate (e.g., chemical manufacturing plants, foundries).
- Handling acquisitions and dispositions of facilities for chemical manufacturing, powdered metal products, metal fabrication, foundries, paper production, paint production, utilities, co-generation and plastic molding.
- Counseling on brownfield redevelopments of a manufacturing facility converted to a transportation, logistics and warehousing complex, and of a historic arcade converted to a hotel/retail complex.
- Assisting with environmental due diligence and management of investigations for the construction of a sports complex and associated commercial development.
- Assisting numerous companies during property transfers and plant closings in all aspects of compliance with the United States’ most burdensome transfer act laws, the New Jersey Industrial Sites Recovery Act and the Connecticut Transfer Act, including applicability determinations, and completing required investigations and cleanups.
- Assisting clients during transactions to ensure compliance with Michigan’s Part 201 program, including baseline environmental assessments, Section 7(f) “due care” reports, investigations and cleanups, and to ensure compliance with Ohio’s Cessation of Regulated Operations (CRO) law.
- Assisting port authorities with negotiations of environmental provisions in agreement for sale/leaseback transaction.
- Negotiating defense and indemnity provisions and other risk-allocation mechanisms to cover preclosing environmental liabilities in asset and stock purchase agreements.
- Andrew L. Kolesar
Partner | Cincinnati
513.352.6545moc.eniHnospmohT@raseloK.werdnA - Meet the team
Our litigation work includes:
- Civil, criminal and administrative enforcement actions, as well as permit challenges and appeals cases
- Superfund defense and cost-recovery cases
- Citizen suits
- Toxic tort cases
- Class action defense
- Solid and hazardous waste litigation
- Facility siting cases for a variety of regulated entities, including landfills; hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities; utilities; and chemical and manufacturing facilities
- Treatment of environmental liabilities in bankruptcy proceedings
- OSHA enforcement actions
Our regulatory and legislative counseling work entails:
- Permitting and compliance issues involving air, water, toxic substances, climate change, and solid and hazardous waste
- Investigations and cleanups under mandatory and voluntary programs
- Brownfield redevelopment
- OSHA compliance
- Auditing and structuring clients’ environmental, health and safety (EHS) compliance and sustainability policies and programs
- Participating in legislative and rulemaking proceedings on behalf of clients
Our transactional work involves
- Mergers, dispositions and acquisitions of businesses and business assets of all sizes
- Representation of financial institutions in lender liability issues
- Counseling of public companies in SEC disclosure issues
Through case work, prior work experience and professional associations, we have established relationships with state and federal regulators and legislators, as well as with peers and technical consultants in the environmental field. Several lawyers in our group have prior work experience with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state attorneys general offices. Some have acted as special counsel to the Ohio EPA or chaired the environmental sections of their local and state bar associations and committees.
This publication is designed to provide those in the automotive and other mobility industries with updates on the latest trends and developments related to environmental mobile source and transportation safety laws and regulations.
- 02.18.25 – Transition: A Presidential Change – Session Four – Trump’s Environmental Agenda
Legal Shifts and Future Outlook
- 12.20.24 – Preparing for a Second Trump Administration
Reversals, Rescissions and Rollbacks
- 07.30.24 – Supreme Court’s Loper Decision
Immediate and Long-Term Impacts on EPA Regulation
- 07.15.24 – Environmental L.A.W.S. – What’s With All These AG Letters?
Tips for Ensuring Your ESG Program Avoids Antitrust Scrutiny
- 06.03.24 – Environmental L.A.W.S. – HFC Phasedown & Regulation
Turning Up the Heat to Turn Down Global Warming
- 04.16.24 – What’s New in Air?
A discussion of developments in Environmental Justice and U.S. EPA’s PM 2.5 Standard
- Mobility Matters Quarterly – February 2025, February 26, 2025
- U.S. EPA Revives Ohio’s Air Nuisance Rule Despite Regulatory Freeze,
Transition – A Presidential Change Update
, February 25, 2025 - Environmental Policy Shifts Under Trump: Cross-border Insights, February 17, 2025
- Chemical Industry Regulatory Update – February 2025,
A newsletter from The Adhesive and Sealant Council and Thompson Hine LLP
, February 5, 2025 - CARB Withdraws Key Waiver Request for Zero-Emission Regulation,
Environmental Update
, January 17, 2025 - California Proposition 65 Warning Changes Go into Effect January 1, 2025,
Product Liability Update
, December 10, 2024 - Navigating Asbestos Challenges: Current Trends in Litigation, M&A, and Restructuring,
Washington Legal Foundation
, December 3, 2024 - Chemical Industry Regulatory Update – November 2024,
A newsletter from The Adhesive and Sealant Council and Thompson Hine LLP
, November 12, 2024 - Chemical Industry Regulatory Update – October 2024,
A newsletter from The Adhesive and Sealant Council and Thompson Hine LLP
, October 14, 2024 - Mobility Matters Quarterly – October 2024, October 9, 2024